Helgafell fasteignasala kynnir:Ósamþykkt íbúð í kjallara sem var áður geymslur en er í dag nýtt sem íbúð.
Gengið er niður inn á gang sem er hluti af sameign ásamt sameiginlegu þvottahúsi.
Smelltu hér til að opna söluyfirlitÍbúðin er tvískipt vegna gangsins í miðju sem er í sameign. Stofa og svefnherbergi annars vegar, eldhús og baðherbergi hinsvegar.
Lýsing eignar:Svefnherbergi með dúk á gólfi og lausum fataskáp.
Stofa með dúk á gólfi. Úr stofu er gengið inn í svefnherbergi.
Baðherbergi flísalagt með flísalögðum sturtuklefa.
Eldhús flísalagt með ágætis eldhúsinnréttingu.
Sér geymsla er undir stiga í sameign.
Sameiginlegt þvottahús í kjallara þar sem hver íbúð hefur sína þvottavél. Einnig er þurrkherbergi inn af þvottahúsi.
Íbúðin er í útleigu. Leigusamningur rennur út 1. mars 2025.
Leigutekjur í dag eru 170þ á mán.
Description in English:Unapproved basement apartment that was formerly used as storage but is now being used as an apartment.Entry is through a hallway, which is part of a shared area, along with a communal laundry room.
The apartment is split in two due to the hallway in the middle, which is shared property. The living room and bedroom are on one side, and the kitchen and bathroom on the other.
Property description:- Bedroom with linoleum flooring and a free-standing wardrobe.
- Living room with linoleum flooring. You enter the bedroom through the living room.
- Bathroom is tiled with a tiled shower stall.
- Kitchen is tiled with a decent kitchen setup.
- There is a private storage space under the stairs in the shared area.
The communal laundry room is in the basement, where each apartment has its own washing machine. There is also a drying room connected to the laundry room.
The apartment is currently rented out. The lease agreement expires on March 1, 2025.
The current rental income is 170,000 ISK per month.Fyrir nánari upplýsingar hafið samband við:
Helgafell fasteignasala s: 566 0000María Steinunn Jóhannesdóttir, lgf., s: 849 5002 / maria@helgafellfasteignasala.is
Rúnar Þór Árnason, lgf., sími: 77 55 805 / runar@helgafellfasteignasala.is